Abstract Guidelines

7th annual IBDHorizons midwest symposium, Cincinnati, OH, February 10, 2024

The 7th Annual IBDHorizons Midwest Symposium Scientific Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts reporting new research or developing information in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

We welcome abstracts presenting studies, case reports, systematic reviews, and quality improvement projects. The Scientific Program Committee will select abstracts on the basis of their medical significance, the quality of the data, methodology, and adherence to specific format requirements described below. The accepted abstracts will be offered the opportunity to be presented as posters, and select abstracts will be invited for oral presentation.

7th Annual IBDHorizons Midwest Symposium, Cincinnati

The two best abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Program Committee for the 7th Annual IBDHorizons Midwest Symposium and awarded a grant of $1,000 and $500 for 1st and 2nd place, respectively.

1st place – $1,000

2nd place – $500

The abstract author will be invited for an oral podium presentation at the conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

All accepted abstracts are invited for poster presentation during the symposium.

Resubmit an abstract you have recently presented and have an opportunity to receive additional feedback before working on a manuscript.


The titles of abstracts should not exceed 15 words. The body text should not exceed 350 words. Embedded images (tables, figures, etc.) will be counted as 30 words.


Each abstract must include the following:

Title: The title should appear in boldface at the top. It should be concise (<150 characters, not including spaces)

Authors’ names

Background: Describe the hypothesis of the abstract

Methods: Detail the experimental methods and processes employed in the study.

Results: Include the findings of the study in a concise manner.

Conclusions: This section describes logically sound conclusions and reliable inferences from the results.


December 6, 2023 – Abstract Submission Opens

January 20, 2024 Deadline extended

January 25, 2024 – Last day to submit

January 31, 2024 – Decisions of abstract acceptance emailed

Instructions for Posters

Clarity: Keep all elements of your poster (incl. pictures, tables, graphics, etc.) simple.

Language: All posters must be in English.

Visibility: Visitors have to be able to read the poster from a distance of up to 4 feet.

Your poster should be structured to include: background, methods, results, conclusion.

Your poster should not require extensive clarification, but be self-explanatory.


Maximum height: 50 inches 

Maximum width: 35 inches

Posters will be fixed to boards using push pins supplied on-site. 

The posters should be up for the entire session and presenters are encouraged to be at their posters during the full poster session time (see program agenda for poster viewing times).

Abstract Submission Form

Please create a one page file for your abstract in either .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf format

Your submission has been received!

We appreciate your submission into the Research Plenary Session at the IBDHorizons Midwest Symposium. The program committee looks forward to reviewing each submission carefully.  The team will notify about decisions by January 31, 2024 via email. Please check that you received a confirmation email.

For the winners, we are excited to hear your abstracts presented during the 7th Midwest Symposium on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati. Further details will be provided by email. Thank you again and don’t forget to register!

Thank you!

Success! We have received your activity evaluation and application for credit.

When can I expect my credit? Please allow 4-6 weeks from the date of the event for processing.

Who will I hear from? The Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower processes certificates and will email you once the certificate is issued.

Will they email my certificate directly? No, they will email you instructions to download the certificate from their site.

What do I do when the certificate is ready?

Your credit certificates will be stored on the website of our accrediting partner (annenberg.net)

  • Use this email from your evaluations, to create an account at Annenberg.net
  • If you already have an account, select Log In and reset your password
    • Once Logged in
      • Select Profile
      • Then proceed to My Courses
      • Go to Transcript and/or print your Certificate


Our team will not have copies of your certificates

Your certificates are linked to the email address provided on the evaluation forms.

Certificates are issued 4-6 weeks after an event

Your submission has been received!

We appreciate your submission into the Research Plenary Session at the 7th Annual IBDHorizons Pacific Northwest Symposium. The program committee looks forward to reviewing each submission carefully.  The team will notify about decisions by February 28, 2022 via email. Please check that you received a confirmation email.

For the winners, we are excited to hear your abstracts presented during the 7th Pacific Northwest Symposium on Saturday, March 5, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle. Further details will be provided by email. Thank you again and don’t forget to register!